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The Refuge:

Middle = 6-8th grade

The Refuge Middle is designed specifically for 6th-8th graders to take advantage of their growing curiosity and socialization. We create lots of opportunities for students to build healthy relationships with each other. We also encourage them to ask deeper question about God and what he wants for their lives.

We also have fun and welcoming experiences that will help them feel excited about being a part of the Church!

Sunday Morning Grapple

To grapple with something is to wrestle with it, and that’s what we do in our 9:30am program (room B23). We Grapple with the questions that Middler Schoolers are asking: What does it mean to be a Christian at my age? What’s in the Bible? Why is that important to me? How do I know the Bible is true? We find answers in scripture together.

Wednesday Night: The Youth Refuge Life group

If you're in Middle School or High School, come with other members meeting at the church gym for Wednesday evening meal at 5:30pm served downstairs. During the meal time, all of Middle and High schoolers are invited to bring their food upstairs to hangout and to connect with others and play games and fellowship in room B23. Then migrate over at 6:30pm to then next room over called the Youth Refuge B24 for Bible Learning And Sharing Together! Middle Schoolers and High School students learn how to have a deeper relationship with God. We have a time of worship, teaching and discussion. We learn to put our faith in action.


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