WHCC Kids Ministry

The Kids ministry is made up of preschool through 5th graders willing and eager to learn about the God who has unending love for them, and a small army of volunteer staff whose goal is to make that happen. We love to see new faces so feel free to come see us!!

We have many chances for kids to learn about the AWESOME God who loves them. We have age appropriate classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. In addition to our regular classes, we also have special events, camps, summer trips and activities that all are geared towards having fun while growing up in Christ!

Children Programs

Sunday Classes are designed to make learning about God fun and exciting. The classes are from 9:30am to 10:40am upstairs in the Family Life Center.

PreK/Kindergarten are in Room B26

1st-3rd graders are in Room B22

4th - 5th graders are in Room 225  

Kids Own Worship is a wonderful time of praise and worship geared toward the unique way kids worship. This takes place during “big church” at 10:45am, so your kids have their own praise and worship, communion, offering, and lesson geared toward the unique way that they learn. This is held in the WHCC Kids room upstairs in the Family Life Center room B27. 4th and 5th graders have the option to help in the Kids Own Worship or attend "big church" with their parents or with an adult sponsor.

Kids' Life is our Wednesday evening Life Group just for kids! All ages preschool through 5th grade are together for a fun time learning about God. Kids connect to each other and to God through games, worship, skits, crafts, devotions, and more. The mix of grades nurtures friendships between all ages, as well as giving the older children a platform to learn and practice leadership skills. We meet every Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30pm in the WHCC Kids room upstairs in the Family Life Center Room B27.

We also have many other activities throughout the year so make sure you check the WHCC Kids  calendar or the main calendar. You won’t want to miss anything!! 

2025 Medical Release Form

Each student must have a completed 2025 Medical Release Form on file before participating in any WHCC sponsored event on or off site.

Click here to complete the online form. One form is needed for each student.


The WHCC nursery provides childcare for children from newborn through three years old during Sunday School, Sunday service, and Wednesday evening Bible Study. Our nursery staff is well trained and loves children. Our modern multi-room facility is maximumized to provide a fun, relaxed environment for the children, as well as providing private facilities for nursing mothers.

As soon as a little one is at least 3, potty-trained, and interested in joining the "big kids",  they are welcome to join the PreK/Kinder Class upstairs.

We also take the safety of your children seriously. Our equipment is kept up to date, and safety messages are monitored to ensure the safest possible environment. Only you will be able to pick your child up from the nursery. Nursery workers are vetted and undergo background checks.

Our mission is to provide a safe and interactive environment for your very young children, so that you are able to focus on God while attending the worship service.


We know that the safety and welfare of your child is one of your highest priorities. It’s one of ours too! To that end, we have a number of policies and procedures in place to protect our children and ensure an appropriate environment.

We maintain a 2-deep policy, in which there are 2 adults present in all classes with minors. This practice raises the bar for accountability and allows for adequate supervision in case of emergencies.

The WHCC Kids Ministry has a check-in and check-out procedure for all children, to ensure that only the person who brought the child to church activities takes that child home. Children must be checked in by an adult family member. At check in 2 stickers will be printed out, 1 with the child’s name on it along with any medical concerns our volunteers should be aware of (this should be put on the child somewhere where it can be seen easily), and 1 that has the child’s name on it twice (This is the sticker the adult keeps and will bring back to pick up that child). Please don't be offended if someone wants to see your number, or it takes a few moments to check in your child.

All of our staff and volunteers have undergone thorough background checks and are trained to interact with children in appropriate ways. During our classes and activities, only approved volunteers are allowed to participate and interact with children. In addition, many of our volunteer are CPR certified and trained in basic first aid.


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